April 2024 : Volunteer of the Month

Tama Rama (Tamara McDaniel)

Image Credit: Quentin Campbell Photography

What's your role in the DDD organization?

Jammer for DDD Battalion of Doom. Captain of the High Seas Haughties. Trainer for the Rolling Rebellion. DDD Historian.

What made you decide to get involved in the volunteer aspect of DDD?

DDD is a skater-run organization and I'm a team player. You gotta show up for the homies on and off the track. Plus it's another excuse for more derby!

Did you have a favorite volunteer event from the last year?

I LOVE getting to work with the Tarrant Area Food Bank. Having the opportunity to give back to the community makes my heart happy.

Why did you get involved in roller derby?

Came for the game, staying for the people.

What do you like to do outside of derby?

SKATE! I'm a rhythm skater and love a good session. I was a ballerina in a past life and I love to dance. I love crafty things like knitting, lettering, ice/bleach/tie dye, drawing, and writing. I love to travel, cook, and eat!

What's your advice to new skaters?

Lace up and roll every chance you get. It's a game; work hard and have fun!

What are some upcoming events derby folks (& regular folks!) can get involved with?

Open Streets Event in Fort Worth on April 13! PRIDE Fest is June 1, at Fair Park! We'll return to the Tarrant Area Food Bank on June 8, and I'd love to see you there!


April 2024 : Skater of the Month


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