Viewed from afar, you may not take a lady wearing pink and roller skates as a serious threat to your personal safety- but you’d be very, very mistaken. More than likely, you’re about to have a very up-close and personal encounter with a Slaughterer and you’d do well to take evasive action. Don’t be fooled by their sweet smiles! The Slaughterers live up to their brutal name; leaving no survivors. Those who find themselves as a Slaughterer target either give up and run away, or surrender immediately and beg for mercy. If; however, you choose to do otherwise, you just may find yourself lying on your back in short order, wondering how it’s possible to get hit so hard you’re going to have to miss work next week. Resistance is futile and staying on the floor is the wisest thing you can do. After all, it’s only the first jam.


Darcy Darling Dear

Everybody's Boyfriend


Havoc is Here

Sugar Rush

Jynx Suicide


Sin Esperanza

Heart Fullmetal

Huckleberry Gin