March 2024 : Volunteer of the Month

Darcy Darling Dear (Teale Schier)

Image Credit: GRIMora

What's your role in the DDD organization? 

I run our Instagram account and help create some of the content we post (as well as the others in our awesome media team.)

What made you decide to get involved in the volunteer aspect of DDD?

Last year, I didn’t have a league job but did tons of events (and lots of time sweating it out in our storage unit) because I loved spending time with all the league members, and also because I wanted to help spread the word about the amazing world of derby. This year, I knew it would be harder to make it to as many events but I still wanted to contribute to the league. I am a social media addict anyway, so it worked out that the Instagram role was open! Now I get to badger people from all over the world about getting involved in derby.

Did you have a favorite volunteer event from the last year?

Definitely skating in the Teen building at Dallas Pride. We were there with our juniors, Rolling Rebellion, and I was on my skates for a total of four and a half hours and loved every minute of it. Everyone was so happy and carefree while surrounded by people who were either like them or supported them. That plus skates makes my heart full.

Why did you get involved in roller derby? 

I was in this ”do these things you didn’t think you could do before” moment of my life. I had quit my job that was killing my mental wellbeing, and was starting welding school. And a popular brand of skates was having a sale and so I bought a pair on a whim. I initially was just going to learn to skate casually, because I wasn’t sure if I could be good enough for derby. I had never been involved in any sport growing up, and I remember watching the show on A&E called “Rollergirls” back when I was 17/18 and thinking, “No way could I do that.” But as much as I doubt myself, I also tend to frequently throw myself into the deep end and hope for the best. So, when I was approached one Saturday morning on the rink by two league members I finally said, “Why not try?” The skates I bought were awful and were quickly replaced, but the derby decision was the good choice that stuck.

What do you like to do outside of derby? 

I am currently in the final stretches of welding school. I also ride a motorcycle, and I work A LOT. So when I’m not working, at school, or at a derby practice or event, I’m at home melting my brain on TikTok with my 2 cats. 

How did you come up with your derby name?

I love telling people about my name, because “Darcy Darling Dear” is not the typical pun/wordplay style for a derby name. It’s actually super fitting I’m going to be Volunteer of the Month in the month of St. Patrick’s day, since my name is from a Dropkick Murphys song! The song “The Dirty Glass” is about this tough bartender, Darcy, who doesn’t put up with Murphy’s crap, and I definitely wanted to embody her tough spirit in derby. Plus it gives me a theme/hype song! And also everyone calls me Darcy for short, and I always loved/related to Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, so that was a bonus.

What are some upcoming events derby folks (& regular folks!) can get involved with?

Clover Cup!! It’s such a fun tournament of high level derby. I was hoarse last year from all the screaming I did for our All Stars. Also our home games!! This will be my first year playing, so come watch me fall on my butt and/or face! 


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