May 2024 : Volunteer of the Month

Daisy Deathwish

Image Credit: Mr. E Haven’s Photography

What's your role in the DDD organization?

I’m the team’s resident airborne gremlin (I’ve definitely recruited others in my gremlin behaviors WE’RE MULTIPLYING HAHAHA). Organizationally, I’m a home team co-captain, I skate as a jammer, I helped put together our mentorship program, and I’ve also recently offered to help with training our Rolling Rebellion jammers.

What made you decide to get involved in the volunteer aspect of DDD?

Derby is a DIY community. Everything we do is grassroots and we have to build from the ground up. Sometimes that means you’re going to wear a lot of different hats to see the league’s success come to fruition.

Did you have a favorite volunteer event from the last year?

The Chili Cook Off was a blast! (And we were rewarded with chili ) There was also a Trinity Trash Bash day that I missed out on and still haven’t forgiven myself for Prior to joining DDD, I’d go out to River Legacy with my brother and some friends and we’d clean up as much garbage as we could before the sun went down. (I’m hoping the league gets a chance to do it again before I force myself to find time in my crazy schedule to plan a day)

How did you come up with your derby name?

I was once introduced by a friend to a boy who had an interest in me as a “Deathwish” – combined that with my literary fascination with alliteration and juxtaposition and I came up with “Daisy” and have stuck with it since. The name starts sweet and ends threatening, which feels like the perfect combo for roller derby.

Why did you get involved in roller derby?

My mom started skating derby in DFW back when I was around 11 so I’m something of a byproduct of the derby community. Junior leagues weren’t as easy to come by back then, so I actually didn’t get to skate in my first game till I was 19.

How long have you been skating?

I was a rink rat when I was around 10. I got my first pair of skates and spent every Saturday at the skatium going in circles for years lol – so I’ve lived on quads for around 18 years now!

What do you like to do outside of derby?

Outside of derby I enjoy thrifting, park skating (during off-season only), catching live music events, and exploring the outdoors with my dog!

What's your advice to new skaters?

Just keep showing up! We all start somewhere, and it can be frustrating at first. We all fall, and we just gotta keep getting back up. The more you show up, the easier it gets and the more comfortable you’ll get with having wheels on your feet.

What are some upcoming events derby folks (& regular folks!) can get involved with?

We have another Tarrant Area Food Bank day coming up in June! I’m super excited for that and Killer Queen at Free Play Arlington the first Friday in July!


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May 2024 : Skater of the Month