June 2024 : Skater of the Month
Image Credit : Alan Campbell
When did you first hear about roller derby?
I think the 2009 classic movie "Whip It" was the first time I had ever heard of roller derby.
How long have you been skating?
I've been skating/playing roller derby since I joined DDD Underworld in 2022. I grew up playing hockey, so I've been skating on ice skates since I was a kid.
How did you come up with your name?
It's a play on my legal name (Megan).. it's punny and a little violent?
When you first started skating, what was the hardest skill to learn and how did you master it?
Any skills on toe stops; stopping, laterals, running, etc. (since hockey skates don't have toe stops). I'm still learning and practicing those skills!
What position do you play?
Blocker, pivot, jammer - a little bit of everything!
What's your favorite post-bout meal?
Pizza, or anything with lots of carbs!
What do you like to do outside of derby?
Travel, hike, play pickleball, read, crochet/knit, work on home projects, spend time outside
Do you have any advice for new skaters?
In roller derby, like most things, you get out of it what you put into it. Put in the work, don't give up, and lean on your awesome derby community for support!