June 2024 : Volunteer of the Month

ChupaQuadra (Chuy)

Image Credit: Carlinos Photography School

How long have you been skating? 

I got my 1st set of skates in the summer of 2022, but I didn’t really start skating consistently until I joined the Underworld program in October 2023. 

Why did you get involved in roller derby? 

After getting that first set of skates, I attended a few beginner skating lessons at a local rink where I met Mad Madam Mim, who had just joined the summer Underworld session. She invited me to the next game, where I instantly fell in love with the sport. I felt like I had found my people.

How did you come up with your derby name? 

It most literally came to me in a dream . After weeks of struggling to come up with a name, I woke up from the BEST nap thinking of the Chupacabra cryptid, whose legend begins in my home island, Puerto Rico. I added the “Quad” part since in derby, we play on quad skates. It felt perfect. 

What's your role in the DDD organization? 

I skate on two teams: High Seas Haughties for home team and Batallion of Doom for travel team. I am also part of the production team, which is in charge of orchestrating game days and big events Iike Clover Cup. 

What made you decide to get involved in the volunteer aspect of DDD? 

The community. Working alongside amazing humans to get things done is definitely my idea of a good time. 

What's been your favorite volunteer activity? 

Helping out with our booth at Dallas Pride has been my favorite activity *so far.*

What do you like to do outside of derby? 

There’s life outside of derby? I guess if I’m not skating, I’m spending time with my pet bird (her name is Spooky and she’s absolutely perfect) or hiking a trail searching for goblin treasures like pretty rocks, leaves, and bugs. 

What's your advice to new skaters? 

Ask veteran skaters ALL of the questions. They are eager to help and want to see you grow! 

What are some upcoming events derby folks (& regular folks!) can get involved with? 

We have a couple of upcoming volunteer events with the Tarrant Area Food Bank. It’s a wonderful opportunity to give back to the community! Come join us! 


July 2024 : Skater of the Month


June 2024 : Skater of the Month