September 2024 : Skater of the Month
Heart Fullmetal
Photo by Alvin Green Jr.
How long have you been skating?
I first started with ice hockey in elementary school. So a very long time! I put on quads for the first time in 2022 at the skatepark.
When did you first hear about roller derby?
I learned about roller derby from my friends at the skatepark. I watched for a season before I got roped into playing.
How did you come up with your derby name?
Fullmetal Alchemist is my favorite tv show, my name comes from the last line of the show.
What position do you play?
Mostly jamming! but I want to be a good blocker too.
When you first started skating, what was the hardest skill to learn and how did you master it?
At derby it was definitely the plow stops. I learned I needed to loosen up my trucks, and practice getting my leg out for balance. I'm still not the best, especially on my left leg but it's getting better.
What is your favorite post-bout meal?
Chicken tenders, the ones at Nytex are super good!
What do you like to do outside of derby?
My go to's are gaming, guitar, and hobbyist engineering. Although derby has taken over!
Do you have any advice for new skaters?
It's super important to work on fitness and regular athleticism. The more your body can do the easier it will be to learn something as tough as skating. Being able to sprint, jump, and balance will greatly improve your skating skill.