September 2024 : Volunteer of the Month


Photo by Koko

What's your role in the DDD organization? 

I am the DDD Media Manager and also serve on our league's Draft Committee. 

How/why did you get involved in roller derby? 

About 11 years ago, my husband RJ and I watched a game hosted by my local roller derby team in Oklahoma. Two years later, I decided I wanted to find an activity just for myself outside of family life. I’ve been rolling on eight wheels ever since.

How did you come up with your derby name? 

I had a close-knit group of friends helping me brainstorm, and "Sweet Demise" was one of the names suggested. At the time, I was baking a lot for my son and his school, so it felt like a perfect fit. Over time, I’ve shortened it to "Sweets."

What made you decide to get involved in the volunteer aspect of DDD? 

A league cannot survive unless everyone does their part! It shouldn't be left to a few to handle all the tasks required to keep the league running; everyone needs to contribute. Since I believe in that, I make sure to practice it as well.

What's been your favorite volunteer activity? 

I live in Oklahoma, so most of my volunteering is done online rather than in person. I especially enjoy being part of the Draft Committee, where I get to see new skaters progress and experience the excitement of joining one of our home teams: Death Row Rumblers, Slaughterers, Wrecking Crew, or High Seas Haughties.

What do you like to do outside of derby? 

I enjoy spending time with my family. My mother, husband, and I love traveling together, and we always look forward to exploring new places.

What's your advice to parents of new skaters? 

NEVER GIVE UP! It gets tough sometimes, but don’t listen to that negative voice in your head. Keep pushing forward. That voice can be your worst enemy; don’t let it win.

What are some upcoming events derby folks (& regular folks!) can get involved with? 

On September 21st, Wrecking Crew and High Seas Haughties will face off in a game that will determine which of our 4 teams will play for 1st and 2nd place at Champs. Before that, we have a couple of exciting events:

  • September 10: Skate Maintenance Mixer at Good Foot Skates (Open to Everyone!)

  • September 12: Open Scrimmage at Forum Roller World


Alumni Night - Oct 12, 2024


September 2024 : Skater of the Month