Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

September 2018: Skater of the Month

Huckleberry Gin #918, Slaughterers

How did you come up with your derby name?

Mark Twain? Booze? Seemed like a no-brainer. Though to be fair I was aiming for a Harry Potter related name first, and then I met the girl with the name (Mischief Managed). My number is more personal, it’s the area code where I was born and raised.

Do you have any pre-bout rituals?

Pre-Bout Waffles. Homemade, and accompanied by a breakfast spread that would make professional eaters blush.

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

August 2018: Skater of the Month

Haun Solo #14, High Seas Hotties

What's the most rewarding aspect of playing the game?

Being a part of a team and the camaraderie. I have been involved in organized sports since I was 4 (soccer, volleyball, tennis, flag football). I love it and I need it.

If you could choose one skill in roller derby to perfect in an hour, what would it be and why?

I’d like to be able to hit a player into the air twice my size.

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

July 2018: Skater of the Month

Maul Tease #9, Suicide Shifters

What prompted you to get involved in roller derby?

I lost my father to brain cancer, and then went through a bad break up with my boyfriend, and I was looking for something to help me find my inner strength. I was actually part of knitting group called "Sweet Stitching Bettys" in Ft Lauderdale, FL and one of the girls played roller derby. After I found out about the sport I was hooked. This was 2009.

How did you come up with your derby name?

I am an animal lover and work with a rescue group. All of my pets are rescued. One of my dogs was a Maltese named Winter. She was an awesome dog with a strong will to live. She was in a wheel chair for a while but learned to walk again. My derby name Maul Tease is named after her.

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

June 2018: Skater of the Month


What prompted you to get involved in roller derby? 

It’s really not an exciting story. Roller derby is something I’ve always wanted to do, so one day I just decided I would do it. Why keep wishing and start doing! 

How did you come up with your derby name? 

I kept coming up with scary sounding names at first but that just didn’t seem to fit me. I wanted a name that was a reflection of my personality. I like pin up and vintage and somehow Retro Dolly just popped in my head. It’s also something I wouldn’t mind being called in front of other people. 

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

May 2018: Skater of the Month

Ravenous Bliss #88, Wrecking Crew

How did you come up with your derby name?

Have you seen me eat? I LOVE eating and my appetite is voracious. Most of my happiness involves food and if my appetite is satisfied, which is difficult at times, it’s complete bliss. 

What's the most rewarding aspect of playing the game?

The most rewarding aspect of playing the game is to see what you are capable of accomplishing on the track. Skaters invest a significant amount of time training. It’s truly amazing to see how their hard work transpires during gameplay.

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

April 2018: Skater of the Month

ZoëKat Karma - Non-Skating Official / Medic-Hate-Her - Skating Official

This month we're celebrating National Volunteer Week April 15th - April 21st by highlighting two of our officials. 

ZoëKat Karma - Before becoming current head of Team Dominion and lead NSO, ZoëKat skated for The High Seas Hotties.

Medic-Hate-Her - Medic has been with DDD as a skating official for several years.

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

March 2018: Skater of the Month

Dudley #10, The Slaughterers

What's the most rewarding aspect of playing the game?

The most rewarding aspect of playing derby is that you will quickly realize that you are going to be faced with a lot of challenges and sometimes it feels like you’ll never be able to get over the obstacles.

A big misconception is that all derby players are "tough broads" and not at all feminine. What would you tell them?

I feel like the biggest misconception is that you can’t be a tough broad and also feminine!

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

February 2018: Skater of the Month

Maidenhell #321, High Seas Hotties

What's the most rewarding aspect of playing the game?
The most rewarding aspect of the game for me is the bond that is made with your team.

What's one thing you can't leave the house without?
Can't leave the house without my skates.

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

JANUARY 2018: Skater of the Month

Hexa Dessie Maul #16, Suicide Shifters

The sport seems highly physical. Have you ever gotten injured?
Yes - but not seriously, like broken bones or anything.

A big misconception is that all derby players are "tough broads" and not at all feminine. What would you tell them?
That they need to broaden their range of their definition of "feminine." 


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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

DECEMBER 2017: Skater of the Month

Fatal Crush #27, Death Row Rumblers

What prompted you to get involved in roller derby?

My coworker prompted me to get into rollerderby. I didn't even get to go watch her bout I just decided that I was going to tryout. 

Is there anything you're scared to try?

I can honestly say there is nothing that I'm scared to try. 



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Skater of the Month Dallas Derby Devils Skater of the Month Dallas Derby Devils

NOVEMBER 2017: Skater of the Month


What are your non-derby hobbies/activities/hidden talents?

Before I started this roller derby adventure, I actually used to teach swing and ballroom dancing! I know how to do the lindy hop, balboa, shag, west coast swing, salsa, cha cha, etc! Other than that, I have always been super crafty and have been known to dabble in photography and graphic design (among other things).

Is there anything you're scared to try?

Without a doubt skydiving. I am definitely a thrill seeker, just can’t rationalize jumping out a plane with just a parachute strapped to my back!

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

DDD Attends Irving Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

On Thursday, September 21st, the Dallas Derby Devils joined the Irving Chamber of Commerce for their ribbon cutting ceremony before hosting a successful 2017 WFTDA International Division 1 Playoffs flat track roller derby tournament at the Irving Convention Center.

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

OCTOBER 2017: Skater of the Month

Bayleigh Wheat #9, Slaughterers

Playing any sport is a huge commitment. How do you juggle that along with your life outside of derby?

Very carefully. I plan plenty of time to rest and relax in between all the things I do because I believe that is the key. You can not let things in life overcome you, and you have to treat yourself. For me that sometimes looks like not doing a single thing. 

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Dallas Derby Devils Dallas Derby Devils

SEPTEMBER 2017: Skater of the Month


Do you have any pre-bout rituals?

I have to listen to music.  And, if I have a dream about derby the night before, I know that its going to be a good night.

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